Gatorama is a fun and unique spot to catch some of Florida’s native animals in a relatively natural setting. It’s a little off the beaten path, but worth a trip if you’re in the central Florida area.

Florida is best known for big tourist attractions and sandy beaches, but there’s another side to Florida. A swampier side. A more reptilian side. And this attraction is full of them. That’s right, alligators. Lots of em. But not just alligators, there’s a ton more!

This post is all about Gatorama in Palmdale FL, an amazing alligator theme park


Gatorama is located in Palmdale, FL, right off of US-27. They are open from 10-5 every day except Tuesday and Wednesday. Prices at the time of writing this article are $20 for people over 5, $10 for people under 5, and $18 for seniors. You can also purchase additional special hands-on activities for an additional price (it wasn’t too bad, and the unique experience might be worth it.) There is a small snack stand towards the back of the park. They have a Hatching Festival in August, which sounds amazing!


If you are wanting to see alligators, Gatorama will not disappoint. There are so, so, so many alligators here. It’s not like one of those attractions where you *might* see something. You will definitely see alligators, experience alligators, maybe even hold alligators.

This bird is not afraid of alligators
Like, at all
Like, at all at all

You enter into Gatorama by walking along boardwalks, right over water filled with gators. You will be so close to gators you can literally hear them breathe. But don’t worry, it’s not scary, everything is fenced off. You continue on through the boardwalks, taking in all the alligators, as well as the beautiful Florida wildlife. Further along, there are more enclosures with smaller alligators.

Baby Alligators

These little baby alligators are so cute. They have a large enclosure but they tended to pile up on each other as seen in the picture. And this little guy or gal is coming over to say hi. Again, not to worry, there are fences up and you are slightly above their enclosure.

Holding Alligators

At Gatorama, there are even hands-on activities. As in, actually getting to hold an alligator. As a native Floridian, I have to say this not the first gator that I have ever held. But it is always a treat, and the gator honestly does not seem to mind. Check out those webbed toes!

Albino Alligator

Gatorama even has a pretty rare albino alligator. According to this site, in 2019 they estimated there are only 100 albino alligators in the world. It was honestly pretty cool to see.

Other activities and animals

There are plenty of other activities to do at Gatorama. There are giant turtles, peacocks, pigs, and you can practice lasso-ing on a plastic cow!

Thanks for visiting Gatorama.

All in all, this is an extremely Florida experience. By combining theme parks and alligators, Gatorama reaches a level of peak Florida-ness that few places do.

If you are in the central Florida area, and you like unique Florida experiences, Gatorama is worth the trip.

Must-do (if you definitely want to see alligators)
Quirky This is a very quirky experience
Old School This place has an old Florida vibe for sure
Good for kids (older kids, babies and toddlers might have a tough time here)
Insta-worthy It’s not exactly a stylish experience, but photos with alligators are bound to get the likes
Good if you’re a cheapskate 20 bucks? Not too shabby
Worth the trip If you’re in the central FL area, this is definitely worth the trip